Data Processing
Your IP address information is recorded to our database when you perform any actions.
Our Website does not store or use your personal data for any other purpose, except as provided in this Privacy Policy and the Service Agreement.
Due to the nature of the visa application process, your information (such as Name, Surname, Passport, Identity Information) or documents that you have sent us through the visa application form are recorded on our web servers.
Your personal data is only shared with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Turkey.
We will not use your personal information stored by our Web Site for any purpose other than for the purpose of processing your Visa Application. Our website accepts this information as a secret and takes high-level security measures on web servers to prevent unauthorized access. However, as a result of any potential cyber attack to our website; In the event that your personal information is made available to unauthorized third parties access, our website has no responsibility.
Due to filling in any forms on our website; You can receive SMSs about your visa application procedures to the phone number you specified in the form.
In some parts of our website, we may share links to other websites that are non-related with us for informational purposes. Regarding the content or privacy policies of these sites which do not belong to our website but published on our website; our website has not any authority or responsibility.
Our Website may use a technical communication file between web server and visitors. These files called as Cookie. Our visitors can accept or reject these cookies by changing the browser settings as they wish.
Our Web site uses various analysis software to measure and evaluate visitor activity. (For example: Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica, etc.) This analysis softwares generates hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and live statistics by using non-sensitive personal information. The main purpose of these softwares is to provide reports to system administrators of our website in order to provide a better service to our website visitors. You can get information from their websites about these world famous analysis softwares.
Insurance for Turkey
e-Visa Information

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